Tuesday, August 16, 2011

There is No Escape

About 15 years ago, I started receiving junk mail from AARP.  I don't know why as I had just turned 50.  I just threw it in the trash.  Next month, same thing, same action.  This continued for years, the only difference being the junk mail from AARP began coming sooner than every 30 days.  Special envelopes, colored envelopes, special offers, discounts, free gifts if I just replied.  I probably could have died and they'd still send the damned things (c/o the graveyard?). 

When I moved to California, it didn't take long for them to find me.  Faster than BMG and Capitol Records found their flaky paying customers in the 90's!  The monthly letters started coming again, only to my place in Ventura.  So I threw them away, just like in Ohio.  I haven't replied to them, contacted them or returned any of their return envelopes.  You know when you get junk e-mail and you click on the 'unsubscribe' at the bottom of the e-mail, hoping to stop them?  We all know that's a mistake ....  you have just validated your e-mail address.  Sure, they unsubscribe you but then turn around and sell it to dozens of other junk e-mailers to use.  That's always been my thought on notifying AARP to leave me alone.  They'd find a way and double or triple their attempts to lure me into their gingerbread house of seniors. 

When I turned 65, they doubled their efforts with twice as much junk mail.   Now I get pre-printed membership cards for myself and Charlene, gift offers (oh, a free flashlight - be still my beating heart...).  I opened the latest junk mail yesterday.  Another pre-printed membership card, offer of a free travel bag.  Travel bag, yea, right!  A cheap canvas bag with giant AARP letters on it.  I've always wanted to be the laughing stock of the senior set.  No thanks! 

I cannot imagine the number of trees they've killed trying to get me to join.  As I was starting to pitch the mail in the trash, I held back.  Let's see here, $16 a year, no more junk mail, dozens of trees saved.  Hmmmm.  What if....... Yes?  No?  What should I do?  Crap, I feel like I'm trapped between a Rock and a Woody Allen Movie.......

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fair time again...

Yesterday, Charlene and I went to the Ventura County Fair.  Charlene had read about a new event this year called "Mutton Bustin" and it sounded cute and interesting.  Of course, we intended to see all and experience all, as usual.  So, at 11 am, we were parked and through the gates.  Remember, click on the photos to see the large version, then click your browser's 'Back' button to return here and continue.

Why does she always get the adult ticket and I have to use a child's ticket?

First up, just the visual experience of the Sunday crowd on the midway past the gates.

Walking toward the Mutton Bustin' we passed a sideshow that reminded me of work....

We had some time to kill so I played with a cow....

We finally arrived at Mutton Bustin'.  They've done this at other fairs and will even do it at the Ohio State Fair.  Mutton Bustin' is a sheep riding contest.  Kids, ages 3-6 dress up in protective padding and helmet and ride a sheep bareback, trying to stay on for 6 seconds.  It's not really dangerous and we were assured that no child had ever been hurt.
Lots of Country music before it started.  Lordy!  Just before the official start, the mascot entered the ring to entertain us.  He was pretty cute.  Here's a short video of him taunting me as I was filming him.

Now, it was time for the 'Ride'.  There were about half a dozen kids vying for the Gold Medal and a chance to continue at the California State Fair and gobs of dollars. Some were grinning and ready, others acted reserved.

It was time.  First rider mounted and the gate opened.

So cute.  No bucking, just a scared sheep running to the other end of the arena with a scared kid holding on for dear life.  When the fall off, they only have a foot or two to fall and the dirt is raked up nice and soft.  Here's a short video that says it all:

At the end of the show, we were off again on the midway.  We checked out all the exhibits.  Special note to John in Florida, the animal pens were filled with ONLY sheep.  The fair is too small to house all the different animals at once so they rotate.  Today was sheep only.  Cows tomorrow.  Damn!  But there was one unusual sheep.  I think from the deep South.  I can't be sure but it looked like it was a member of the  Ku Klux Sheep Klan......
Then it was off to the other exhibits.  The Ag building with all it's decorative displays of flora and fauna.  Some beautiful exhibits.
Of course the Carny Barkers, games and a ton of crap for sale.  Especially T-shirts.
There was one exhibit I was really interested in:
the true letdown was the fair food.  We had read about the latest junk, deep fried Kool-Aid.  Couldn't find it.  Where's Pizza-in-a-cup when you need it?  There was the usual crap on a stick.  Stuff like hot dogs on a stick, corn dogs on a stick, spiral-cut potato chips on a stick.  Even......
Ug.  We were hungry and looking.  Luckily, our noses led us to the ultimate non-fair food.  Ooooo!  Smells sooo good.  Then we spotted smoke.
Yea, Baby!  No junk today.  Totally excellent BBQ along with a serving of Buckaroo beans.  So good instead of the usual stomach cramping deep fried stuff.  And a couple of Margaritas in a plastic cup.
Of course, we did serving of candied pecans, my favorite nut....
Now that our stomachs were full, it was off to the rides to see if we could keep it down.  My favorite, since I have a fear of heights is always the Ferris Wheel.  As long as Nathan is not in the same 'car' as me, I can get used to it.  Usually.......

We did the swings thing next.

The one that really tempted the 'losing your cookies' was the pirate ship that swings back and forth.  Fun but it plays with your stomach at the height of the arc.  Here's us giggling and screaming.....

After that, we decided we needed some fresh air so it was off to the Oxygen Bar for some flavored Oxygen.
We checked out the Gem and Mineral exhibit on the way out.  Geodes are always our favorite.  All-in-all, a good time.  Just wish we had found the deep fried Kool-Aid.  Maybe next year.