Saturday, August 29, 2009

Still Dead

With the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy, I noticed that the media coverage has (temporarily) shifted from Michael Jackson to funeral coverage/life history of Ted Kennedy. I'm sure we will hear about this for weeks/months to come. He now joins 1) General Francisco Franco, 2) Elvis, 3) Princess Di and 4) Michael Jackson in still being dead, to quote Chevy Chase from the old SNL Weekend Update.....


  1. Yay! extreme media coverage for an american hero! where else but in america can you blatently cheat on your wife and then kill the girl in question, and get away with it scott-free because you have a Name? Yay America! RIP Mary Jo Kopechne is what I say.

  2. I'm just glad they didn't drag his corpse all over the country on some macabre whistle stop tour like they did with Ronald Reagan. That was tacky. They zig zagged his dead ass all over this country and back before burial. Reminded me of a twised 'weekend at bernies' political edition. (No offense to the former president intended. My offense goes to the dolts who decided to turn Reagan's death into a traveling freak show).
