Now that the Christmas season is winding down, I think of all the outdoor display of lights, reindeer, Santas and assorted baby Jesus paraphernalia neighbors set out. Some are quite beautiful, others, tacky. Really Tacky! Here's a perfect example of someone forgetting to say, "When!" It's about a quarter of a mile down our street. I'd be embarrassed to live next to them. The only thing missing is, er, uh, nothing. They've got it packed with crap from Christmas Hell.....
Then, there's another house up a different street that goes way overboard in a different way. Way too many lights but done in a 'Tastefully Tacky" way. When night falls and they turn on their display, there's a major power drain in Ventura. But tasteful....... I swear that it looks like white hot Christmas lava flowing through their yard. Yea, Tastefully Tacky.

There's a couple houses in our neighborhood across the street from each other that I think are doing the Dueling Banjos of Christmas lights.. seemed like just about every night before Christmas one or the other would add something more. One of them has a couple of those lit wicker reindeer, and they put a blanket of green lights down on the ground around it, and a "stream" of blue lights cutting through it. neat effect, I must admit.