(Read in the tone of an Andy Rooney '60 Minutes' whinny voice)... Did you ever notice how flat surfaces around the house seem to collect 'stuff ' ? It seems that every table, bookshelf, desk top or any other flat surface here becomes a repository for things that need to be put away, filed, trashed or dealt with in some manner. Instead, they are gently stacked in plain sight on the nearest flat surface to be taken care of at a later time.
Here's a picture of Charlene from last night. Glass of Blueberry juice, basket of pens, pencils and other implements of destruction, the morning's newspaper and tons of NS40 textbooks and a sprinkling of remotes. I swear, this table is cleaned off daily but it's 'trash pile' magnetic field encompasses the entire house; it's pull is stronger than the trash can.
I'll swing the camera to my desk, the one with the strongest 'trash pile magnetic pull'.
The 'pull' is so strong that the desktop is rarely clean for more than 5 minutes at a time. I don't know why the laws of physics don't apply here as I really don't recall any facts dealing with wood, paper, cardboard, pens, pencils and magnets or magnetic fields but our place is living proof that there is a connection, at least in our house. If I walk into the kitchen, our former kitchen dining table, the one that holds all items as 'Study Hall Numero Uno' for the nursing program, is always 'loaded'. Here's that picture. Notice Charlene hasn't attacked me yet for temporarily putting groceries on it:

I could go throughout the house, especially Nic and Trav's room but it would be too repetitious. Someday, when we win the lottery, we're getting bigger trash cans or something........
Too true. In our house it's the kitchen table that is the magnet. And our computer desks. It's rather eerie.