Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Pinning Ceremony

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Friday, the 10th of December was the final act in Charlene's quest to become a Registered Nurse.  It was the Graduation from Ventura College School of Nursing.  Three years to get her Associates Degree and all the pre-req's out of the way, get accepted into the College Nursing Program and complete the two year grueling course.  Over a fourth of the students that started didn't finish.  Those that did experienced lack of social life, family life and zombie-ism.  What a wild and crazy two years.  We personally lost Charlene, the kitchen table (joined occasionally by the living room coffee table), sanity, sleep, companionship and a whole lot of other stuff as Charlene doggedly attacked her studies.  Study 'till she fell asleep 'at the books', wake up at three in the morning and continue.  NS30 was the worst.  That was last Spring Semester.  Rarely saw her - when we did, she was deep in concentration on studies.  Shhhhh!  Your Mom is studying....

That all came to an end last Friday.  Sort of.  Charlene had finished with a 'B' average and was graduating.  The graduation ceremony is called "Pinning".  You have to buy your own 'Pin' that is R.N. related from a list the College gives you.  In a ceremony on stage, you are 'pinned' with it by someone you get to choose.  Charlene chose Rolanda, her CNA professor from 'undergrad school'.  A wonderful teacher, mentor and friend.  Nic and Trav and I were there, as was our neighbors across the street, Cherie and Miles, our good 'crazy' friends, Bobby and Sarah.  He's a chemistry professor at Ventura College and she attends art classes there.

The ceremony began with the graduating students walking down the auditorium isles carrying candles (electric ones) and placing them on the stage front as they climbed the stairs and took their place.  There were the usual amount of speakers including Ralph James, Charlene's 5 year councilor and Board of Trustee member.  His speech reminded all the families in the audience what a sacrifice the students and families had gone through.  Round of applause for the students and a round of applause for the families.  Damn right, Ralph, damn right!  Applause for all of us, but especially the students and our Charlene!  Several of the students gave speeches and one of them, Kiela, left us rolling in the aisles with her review of the two-year program.  I know I was and I'm sure the other families were remembering all the little horror stories of the past two years, the lack of sleep, lack of 'having a life', the medical procedures, tests, stress and all sorts of mean nasty things semester after semester. Several different friends of mine had a daughter go through R.N. college and knew exactly what our family was experiencing.  But, Friday, it ended.  Charlene was Pinned.  Officially, she is a Registered Nurse.  Now, she's studying for her State Exam, the NCLEX exam (whatever that stands for is beyond me and I'm afraid to ask).  To quote my black friends in Ohio, "You Go, Girl!"  What a job well done, My Love.........


  1. Super job by ALL of you! Damn righta, Ralph!! Unbelieeably rave of all of youse guys. Well done.
