Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Copier Knee

My first day of a 4 week vacation started out kind of weird: I was drugged, beaten, stabbed, sawed and bandaged.

Yea, that about says it all.  I suffer from "Copier Knee".  If you work on copiers long enough, your knees will start screwing up.  After decades of "up and down, crawling around on my knees, sitting on the floor like an Indian (American, not India), the knees just take a beating.

I've had problems with my right knee for almost 20 years now and it slowly gets worse:  Locks up, clicks, sends pain signals everywhere.  Last November, Charlene and I were doing some shopping, walking across a parking lot when, out of the blue, my right knee decided that it was time to let me know that it probably needs looked at by someone other than the Cat.  As the weeks went on, the pain increased to the point of me taking Charlene's advice and scheduling a visit with Dr. Music.  He's an Orthopedic Surgeon and since Charlene sees his patients on her floor, she knew him and his excellent reputation as a knee fixer.  One of my customers also gave him a great recommendation. I made the appointment, got some x-rays and paid him a visit (actually, my insurance company paid him for the visit).

You oldsters remember Marcus Welby, M.D. on TV of yester-year.  Dr. Music is one of those kind of doctors:  Upbeat, caring, energetic, outgoing, great sense of humor, extremely positive.  He's the kind of doctor you all would want.  After the first office visit, I just loved this guy!  I mean, if he accidentally cut off my leg, I would still love him - he's just that great!

During my office visit with him, I had brought a paper from the x-ray people that explained 3 things wrong with my right knee, all in medical-ese that I didn't understand.  He came in, sat down right beside me and took the paper and explained all three items:
1.  You've got a lot of fluid in your joint
2.  You've got a lot of arthritis in you knee
3.  You've got a lot of 'gravel' in your knee joint.

Then he pulled up the digital x-rays and showed me the what, why and whatever was causing me pain.  I've attached the really cool one here that shows a giant rock in the knee joint.  Other x-rays showed more 'gravel' but not as dramatic as this x-ray:

Years of arthritis, bone spurs, calcium deposits growing, breaking off had taken it's toll.  Time to operate.  He said that most surgeons would tell me that I'm due for a knee replacement surgery but, (thank God) he didn't think it was that bad yet.  He pulled out some Arthroscopic surgery tools and showed how the operation would go.  45 minutes to an hour in same-day surgery, home by noon.  He said there would be two small incisions for the tools to be inserted in the joint and do the deed.  He laughed and said one of the slits would have to be bigger than normal to get the big rock out (the one in the x ray above).  If I was an office worker, sitting all day, I could go back to work in a week.  Copierguy?  No way - you're going to be off for a month with the abuse you give your knees.  He also said I should have come see him sooner - like, 15 years sooner.  So, I cleared everything with work and scheduled the surgery for yesterday morning.  Charlene took me there and we arrived a 6 a.m., surgery at 7:30.  Of course, in the free time before they put me under, I played with things and basically annoyed everyone.  Only ask for coffee once, maybe twice.

 Dr. Music showed up at 7 a.m. wearing sneakers, blue jeans, polo shirt.  My kind of guy!  The operation went very well and as I was coming out of the anesthesia fog, he handed me a couple of 8 x 10 glossy photo montages of images taken thru his instruments during the operation.  I'd include more but I have no clue what is going on in most of them..... except this one - the one with the little tiny saw:

 Yep, a little tiny saw cutting away all the bad stuff (the suction tool is not shown) in the middle of my knee joint.  Pretty cool geek shot, eh?  I was home by noon, complete with crutches.  Supposed to mostly stay off it for a few days, bandage off on Wednesday, appointment for stitch removal and progress report next Tuesday.  After tomorrow, I start physical therapy which consists of either a stationary bicycle or just plain walking.  Lots of walking.  Major lots of walking.  I can't wait for that......  After I got home yesterday, my entire knee was numb, couldn't feel a thing so I was 'crutching around the house for hours.  Even Charlene told someone on the phone that on a normal day, I'd sit at the computer for hours but today he can't sit still, he's all over the house.  Yea, that about summed it up until the knee became 'un-numb' last evening.  After that, I was on the couch, leg propped up, a took a pain pill (some really good ones, courtesy Dr. Music).  Going to bed late last night was a little tougher than normal as the pain pills just took the 'edge' off the pain but still made me very aware that I wasn't going to fall asleep soon.  After an hour, exhaustion won and I was out until 5 a.m. today.  So much for sleeping in.......

I started out with crutches this morning for a half-an-hour and realized that crutches are mostly dangerous, at least for me so I set them aside and forced myself into careful baby steps, straight-ahead walking with no lateral twisting.  It's working pretty good for now and my pain level is low so I'll probably work with it, increasing speed and stride as the days go by.  For a hyper-active moron, it's maddeningly slow but I'll keep up with it per Dr. Music's orders.

By the way, my surgeon's name is really Dr. Mazurek, not Dr. Music.  I'm a numbers oriented guy and can't remember names worth a damned.  Initially, I could remember 'Music' so that's what I call him.  His name is really pronounced like the State 'Missouri' with a 'K' on the end.  Aw, so much easier to say 'Dr. Music'. 

Now, I'm off to repair the roof, work on the car's transmission, mow the grass.......NOT!


  1. My knees are jealous of your knee
    Glad it went so well,
    Love Sarita

  2. Yay! Glad it went so well, I hope you FOLLOW Dr. Music's advice on recovery and don't do too much too soon.

  3. Another great blog; however I'd like to add a little something to this. When I picked him up after surgery, his recovery nurse (looking a big frazzled) busted him big, telling on his bad behavior. They plunked him in a wheelchair in preparation to be picked up. she did a little paperwork for a bit and he was gone, wandering all over the place, she had to go fetch him and wheel him back to the recovery room, chide him and tell him he must stay in that room. So, then he starts going in circles all over the room, she had to tell him to stay in one spot since he's still woozy from the anesthesia, it's dangerous for him to be too active yet. Yes, he's entertaining as hell, but she was glad to be rid of him so they didn't have to spend so much time worrying about him falling out of the wheelchair. : ) He really is doing well this morning. Minimal pain so far, not using his crutches, baby steps carefully. So glad he had this done!

    1. Nice hat in the fist pic, Kel! Charlene, when I had my hip done I disappeared from recovery too. I went in search of coffee. They all flipped. Next morning my crutches and I walked and walked into a whole 'nother wing. They all flipped again. I got to go home early. It's in the blood darlin'. Sorry. Heal softly, Kel

    2. Dad!

      "So, then he starts going in circles all over the room, she had to tell him to stay in one spot since he's still woozy from the anesthesia, it's dangerous for him to be too active yet. Yes, he's entertaining as hell, but she was glad to be rid of him so they didn't have to spend so much time worrying about him falling out of the wheelchair."

      omg that is so me! add to that -- parking the wheelchair in lock by the window using it as a stool to climb out to the terrace to look for a bush to dive into.

  4. Crazy Kelly; Please have Charlene explain a bit more to me. "I don't get it" - After the good ole Marcus Welby sawed off the piece that looks like bone and then suctions all the bad 'stuff' out...how does he replace what has been removed? Looks like a weird saw-job to me! I'm sure Charlene can explain from that point of reference. Thanks Charlene, -From Anna in Mayberry RFD.

  5. After thought...We are glad you are doing well.

  6. hey,hope you are feeling much better. i hate being sick.

  7. Sorry you had to go through all that, but glad it's all better now. Just make sure you take all the time needed to get back to normal, and don't try to go back to the deep knee bends too soon. My left knee is finally getting Xeroxy, and doing a lot of snapping and popping, with the pain keeping me from sleeping sometimes, but I'm putting it on the back burner and ignoring as much as I can.
    Good luck, guy...

  8. Love the pics. Glad you finally got it done. Does this mean you are no longer the "head" copier guy?
