Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Daughter's Blog

I started my blog over 4 years ago because I was bored.  I was off work for a month due to back surgery and thought, hell, I'll do a blog.  So I did.  The first few really sucked, and a lot since kinda suck.  My best, the one I love, took months to write.  I wanted it to be the best I could and I think it still is.  You can see it at:  http://crazykellyofcowlifornia.blogspot.com/2011/05/project-moonwatch.html  .  Most of what I write is silly, sometimes serious.  I was one of the more faithful bloggers, writing and posting regularly.  Others I know had blogs or starting blogging but have dropped off the planet.  I kinda went lax myself.  A friend of mine in Florida kick-started me recently and I wrote about my knee operation.  I like to include photos sometimes, other times, not.  I think of things to write almost everyday but when I get in front of the computer, I blank.  I've tried taking notes beforehand but it just doesn't come out right so I give up.  One of those things where the words got to flow by themselves.

My daughter, Shelley had a blog going and she, too, dropped off the planet.  In the last few days, she's opted for Mission Impossible and writes a blog almost every day.  I can't do that.  She, on the other hand is an excellent writer, very smart, very funny.  I am so proud of her talents (and a little jealous, too).  I would like to share the blogs she has posted in the last few days.  I'm sure you'll agree with me that this lady has talent.  Here's the latest blogs she has written, in order.  Post comments on them if you wish.

The Posts That Never Were ---------------


First Date--------------------


 Someone To Watch Over You---------------


Regarding Morning Things-------------------


Today, she is sick as a dog but still managed a 'disclaimer' post

Nothing To See Here----------------


1 comment:

  1. wow! a blog every day -- amazing! -- I love you guyses pictures, I wish I knew how to do such cool menages <3 A
