Monday, August 2, 2010

Florida Vacation, The Prologue

Most of you are aware that we spent eight days in Florida, returning last Wednesday.  Future blogs will follow each day, pictures included, but today, I'd like to explain the overall trip.  Charlene is from Florida and her brothers and sister live there, including her twin brother (yes, she is a 'twin').  They're located in Tampa as well as North Central Florida and on the East Coast near Daytona.  So, every two days, we were somewhere else visiting a new brother throughout the entire vacation.  Go somewhere, unpack, enjoy another day-and-a-half then pack it up and drive somewhere else to unpack for 2 days.  About the 5th day, Nic, Trav and I were whining about it.  On the 6th day, Nic and Trav said, "If we ever come back, can we stay in one place and send out invitations to everyone else......". 
That and the temperature and humidity.  Both in the mid-90's everyday.  Everytime I'd go into air conditioining, my glasses would fog.  Everytime I left the air conditioning, my glasses would fog.  Even if I was already outside and just opened the car door, the 1000 degree air in the car would 'woosh!' out and fog my glasses.  Now, understand that I am a 'sweathog'.  54 years in Ohio taught me to dress for cool running and drink tons of Gatoraide.  So, the first trip to the grocery store within hours of landing in Tampa was to buy a cart full of Gatoraide.  Living in the temperate Southern California Coastal area, I think I forgot how to sweat but quickly remembered within minutes of walking out of the airport.  Other than those two drawbacks, I had a lot of fun, as did the rest of the family.  And, I finally got to meet those faceless telephoners that have called for years.  Most of 'em are as goofy as my family, if not worse (in a good way).
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