Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Record Breaking Rains in Ventura

Yes, Sir !  We've had Record Breaking rains for the last two days.  Started Monday night, rained all night.  Stopped at dawn, cleared off and bright sunny Tuesday.  Started again Tuesday night.  Same thing.  Rained all night, stopped at dawn, cleared off and bright sunny Wednesday (with lots of all day wind).  Broke all National Weather Service records for Ventura.  Wow!  The two day total amounted to a whopping, are you ready for this, .31 inches of rain.  Charlene calls it, "Mist with an attitude".  What?  A measly less than a third of an inch?  Well, since records have been kept, it's Never rained in May here.  Hence the 'Record Breaking Rains'.  Yea, yea, I know, go sit in the corner, Kelly, and shut up!


  1. Ha! We've had blue skies, sunny and gorgeous for days now. My evil plot to push our rain south is working!!

  2. All this mist is making my hair frizzy.
