As you can see, there's also an operational railroad track there, too. I don't know if he's married or lives with someone but seeing as he practices his very loud bag pipes under a freeway, next to a railroad track, uh, I think his musical practice got kicked out of 'home'. It's kinda cool, though when I come around the corner and see/hear him playing. I took this picture out the truck window 'on the fly' so it's a little blurry. Hard place to pull over to snap a better pic as it's a blind curve at this location. One of the local good guys I guess and it's always fun to see him 'pipe-ing' away.
There was this man who played the pipes as a hobby, and he was very, very good.He was always being asked to play at various functions. One day a funeral director asked him to play at the graveside funeral of a homeless man,who had no friends or family.Of course the piper said yes.On the day of the funeral,he got lost on the way to the cemetary (this was in the backwoods of Kentucky,and the deceased was being laid to rest in the local potter's field).Being a typical man,he did not stop to ask fo directions, and when he finally arrived at the gravesite,there was nobody there except fot the digging crew. They were sitting and having their lunch. The piper could see that he was so late, the lid to the vault had been placed already. Well, he felt really bad about his tardiness, so he stepped up to the grave and proceeded to play "Amazing Grace" with everything he had. He played his heart out.Pretty soon, the men in the work crew were weeping,as was the piper. When it was all over, he walked to his car and overheard one of the workmen say "Well, shitfire! I ain't EVER heard anything that beautiful, and I been putting in septic tanks for twenty years!"
ReplyDeleteVery cool. I love the sound of bagpipes, but I must admit I wouldn't love it being practiced inside my house!