Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gettin' Near the Top......

Charlene reminds me that my birthday is coming up.  Yuch!  Another birthday.  Maybe it's a old fart thing, maybe it's just me but birthdays don't excite me anymore.  She asks me what I want for my birthday every year and I say the same thing, "Nothing, it's just an old fart's birthday".  She goes out and gets something anyway.  This year, the same question, "What do you want for your birthday?".  Thought I'd play a trick on her this year.

Her:  What do you want for your birthday?
Me:  If you promise to get me what I ask for, will you?
Her:  Sure!
Me:  I want Nothing, will you get it for me?

Yea, it was a nice try.  I started to go into the bedroom a couple of days ago and she said, "Stop!  You can't go in there yet, I have something for your birthday and I haven't put it away.....

So, with the lyrics, "Will you still need me, will you still feed me?  When I'm 64" running through my head as I'm reading the newspaper comics, I glanced at the column "Today's Birthdays".  I've read it for decades, noting all the famous/infamous people listed with their ages.  When I first started reading it, my age was at the bottom (youngest).  Now, I'm getting near the top of the list.  Ewwww!  Everyone asks me, "So, when is your birthday and I always reply, "Same as Thomas Edison's".........

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