Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tomatoes Try #3 Update

Well, three weeks and three days after planting my (hopefully) new crop of tomato plants, I have a couple of photos.  I planted 3 different varieties, one of which is my old standby, Early Girl.  Most people aren't aware that you're supposed to bury half the plant, folage and all, when you put them in the ground.  Seems like cruel and unusual punishment but it makes for a stronger, healthier plant.  You got these beautiful 12" tall plants and end up with less than 6" sticking above ground but that's what you're supposed to do.  Does it work?  Check out the photos and click on them for the larger view, use you 'back' button to return here.

Look at those two beautiful baby tomatoes!  These are on the Early Girl, the others, nuttin' yet........


  1. If I ever decide to plant a garden I'm pickin your brain on what to plant, how, and when, oh Father-Of-The-Green-Thumb.

  2. Lookin' good, Farmer in the Dell! Didn't know about the 6" rule. Huh. Love Early Girls.
